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GICs – Where Safe Meets Smart

Its no secret that the economy has left us all feeling a bit uneasy. It may be hard to visualize a great option for your savings right now. But worry not, we’ve got the solution! Tandia GICs are safe and secure, and offer a great (and guaranteed!) return. No matter your age or stage of life, feel confident that you’re making a wise move for your money with a Tandia GIC.

Let’s tackle some questions about GICs:

Can I get a great rate with a GIC?

At Tandia – you can! Tandia’s GIC rates are highly competitive, and we strive to offer a great return for our members. Be sure to check out our GIC Rates on Tandia’s Rates page to stay up-to-date with our product offerings and specials.

Is a GIC the same thing as a Term Deposit?

Some banks and credit unions call this type of secured investment product a GIC (or Guaranteed Investment Certificate) and others call it a Term Deposit. Essentially, they are referring to the same thing – a safe and secured investment available in a variety of terms. You may see these products referred to by both names (for example Tandia GICs and Tandia Term Deposits) within the same website.

How do Tandia GICs work?

At Tandia, we offer members a wide range of market-competitive fixed rate GICs with terms from 30 days to 5 years. Some fixed rate GICs are eligible to be held in registered plans – such as RRSP GICs, TFSA GICs, RESP GICs and RRIF GICs – perfect for any stage of life. Interest is guaranteed for the term and at maturity the deposit is reinvested into a smaller term unless otherwise instructed by the member.

Are GICs safe places to put your money?

Absolutely! GICs are considered to be extremely safe and secure, they are classified as low risk investments. Having a GIC provides you with the ability to earn a great return over a relatively short period of time without any risk of losing your initial investment.

If you’d like information about our full selection of GIC offerings – including RRSP GICs, RESP GICs, RRIF GICs and TFSA GICs, reach out to a Tandia representative or book an appointment through our website today. It’s easy to get started, and your future self will thank you.


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GIC Term Deposits at Tandia

Earn a higher return on your savings. Tandia is pleased to offer members a wide range of market-competitive fixed rate GIC term deposits with terms from 30 days to 5 years. Some fixed rate GIC term deposits are eligible to be held in registered plans, depending on the term selected. Interest is guaranteed for the term and at maturity the deposit is reinvested into a similar term unless otherwise instructed by the member.

Great Rates Tandia

Welcome to Tandia's great rates! Whether you're looking to pay your mortgage faster, need more flexibility or are just starting to shop around - we've got the great rates to fit all your needs. If you are looking for a mortgage or a GIC term deposit, we have you covered and work hard to ensure our members receive the most competitive rates available.

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